Building a better future by empowering one child at a time.

It all began with a group of individuals seeking to create a better future for their children. A group of Syrian mothers, fathers, advocates, decided they needed to use their power to build a better future for their children.

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Children are the CenterPoint.

BRACE began as a group of parents creating a community to support each others children, and grew to become a extensive network across regions. Children, their needs, and their future are the center point of our work. Everyday the team seeks to be better in order to secure the best of services for Syria’s future.

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Community Driven

BRACE was born from the community to serve the community. Through its programs, it seeks to amplify the voice of Syrian Children, provide them safe spaces, and empower them with ideas, skills, and dreams for a better future. BRACE seeks to develop a strong community support system, that amplifies the needs and voice of youth.

Inspired by Volunteers

BRACE continues it work with volunteer parents, youth, and community members. Children are most empowered through family and community support, and therefore they are integrated into all programs.

Make a difference in the lives of children with us.